Category: Denimopedia
Have you ever been caught in the pouring rain, worrying if it will ruin the fade journey on your beloved jeans? Now you can stop wondering. Anna, a native of one of the rainiest cities in northern Europe, is here to give you the inside scoop on rain and denim.
Fashion has always been an integral part of music, maybe not as crucial as beats, chords, words, and melody. But no matter which decade or genre you dip the proverbial toe in, clothes have been a massive part of the artist's personae. And the black denim silhouette reigns supreme.
Each time we post a new film production featuring music, we get bombarded with track ID requests. So Kaine, our Community guy here at HQ, lets the cat out of the bag.
It is true that every pair of Nudie Jeans comes with a promise of free repairs forever. No matter where or when you bought them.
It's no secret we have a strong connection to music and its subcultures, but who are our favorite artists? Kaine, the trusty Community Coordinator, has a go at this one for all you music heads out there.
Today Kaine navigates his way through Google search results for this truly relevant question - "Why are most jeans blue". But do we find the answer to the blue denim question for you?
Allow Anna from our Customer Care team to break down some of the reasons why you might be investing in a new pair of selvage denim in the not-too-distant future.
We are proud of our sustainability achievements over the years. Still, we did not get here without doing the leg work, putting in the time, and investing in resources to grow in this capacity. Kevin, from CSR, tackles a big question in 48 seconds.
Anna from our Customer Experience team enlightens all those who are curious about how we work with the sanforization process in our production. If you didn’t already know, now you know.
There’s a thing or two you can learn from Anna, our Customer Experience super-agent today. Especially if you’re wondering how to avoid a crotch blowout on your favorite jeans.
Congratulations, you have found your way to the official unofficial guide to all Nudie Jeans fits ever created. At least up until 2020. We actually don’t know if we got them all in here so to all the Nudie Jeans fans out there please let us know if our Community Co-ordinator Kaine missed any?
Transparency has, and always will be a cornerstone for us as a brand. Hear Kevin explain what tools we use to be as transparent as possible.