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Skånegatan interior

A new fit: The refurbished Skånegatan Repair Shop

Blonde pinewood, muted colors, greenery, and big lighting fixtures create an intimate retail environment ready for digital reality in the newly updated Skånegatan Repair Shop.

The Repair Shop is where our customers should be fully absorbed by the brand; how it feels, smells, and sounds. Our new retail concept puts you – the customer – front and center, regardless of how much social interaction you prefer.

In this new digital reality, accessibility is way more important than "where" the transaction happens. The layout of the store becomes significant, and the unobstructed sight lines enable the staff to assemble online orders while catering to the needs of the customers in-store. With the added bookable fitting room feature, you get a chance to find that perfect pair of jeans at your own pace.

When it comes to the free repairs forever, the Skånegatan Repair Shop, of course, offers that service and now has the capacity to handle even more.

Wide Heidi
Wide Heidi

Wide Heidi is the opposite of the last twenty years - low, wide and swaying!