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Black Denim
Black Denim

Schwarzer Denim für Herren

Was ist so besonders an Black Denim und schwarzen Jeans? Wir lieben einfach die Optik und wie die Farbe verblasst – von tiefem Schwarz bis zu silbrigem Grau und so ziemlich jede Schattierung dazwischen. Wir lieben ihn einfach. Punkt. Schwarze Jeans waren und bleiben der Grundstein jeder gut zusammengestellten Garderobe.

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What's so special about black denim?

Nudie Jeans' black denim for men brings together rugged durability and style. Crafted from organic cotton and treated with different advanced dyeing techniques, our different types of black denim all evolve differently with wear. Oh, you thought black denim was just black denim? Think again. We carry a wide range of different types of black denim. Find the right one and the result is a pair of jeans that adapts to your lifestyle, developing a unique patina that reflects your individual journey and how you want your black jeans to look over time. Want to dive deep into the darkness, learn more here.