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Thin Finn is back
Thin Finn is back
Thin Finn is back! An iconic fit for sure, but we mainly brought them back to make @singsinging stop commenting ”Bring back Thin Finn” on every single Instagram post.

@singsinging, you've been like a one-man campaign for the return of Thin Finn. And here we are, giving you what you asked for. Sort of. You see, we’re not really bringing Thin Finn back, but we’ve found a stash of Thin Finns for you, and when that stash is no more, so will Thin Finn be…

So, @singsinging, will you get early access? VIP treatment? Nah. But you get the satisfaction of knowing you willed this into existence. In that sense, this is more than the come back of a classic fit; it's a monument to one man's relentless Instagram commenting.

A few clicks, and you, @singsinging, can finally own the jeans you've been campaigning for. When that package arrives, know that it's not just a pair of jeans. It's the end of an era. An era of you commenting 'Bring back Thin Finn' on every single post. The jeans are back, and you can finally give your keyboard a rest.
Thin Finn is back! An iconic fit for sure, but we mainly brought them back to make @singsinging stop commenting ”Bring back Thin Finn” on every single Instagram post.

@singsinging, you've been like a one-man campaign for the return of Thin Finn. And here we are, giving you what you asked for. Sort of. You see, we’re not really bringing Thin Finn back, but we’ve found a stash of Thin Finns for you, and when that stash is no more, so will Thin Finn be…

So, @singsinging, will you get early access? VIP treatment? Nah. But you get the satisfaction of knowing you willed this into existence. In that sense, this is more than the come back of a classic fit; it's a monument to one man's relentless Instagram commenting.

A few clicks, and you, @singsinging, can finally own the jeans you've been campaigning for. When that package arrives, know that it's not just a pair of jeans. It's the end of an era. An era of you commenting 'Bring back Thin Finn' on every single post. The jeans are back, and you can finally give your keyboard a rest.

Thin Finn

Die heiß geliebte Slim-Fit-Jeans, die bei uns fast von Beginn an im Sortiment ist. Thin Finn hat einen mittleren Bund, einen Reißverschluss und eine schmale Passform von der Hüfte bis zum Knöchel. Dieses Modell hat eine extra tiefe Rückenpasse und dadurch sitzen auch die Gesäßtaschen tiefer.

2 Produkte